Slippery Suckers High Season

Keep Going Gippslanders…

The saturated earth is waking up and preparing to come alive with all the colours of the rainbow. The sun is finally radiating welcoming warmth and the grass is beginning to accelerate its growth. The birds are busily, vocally fluffing around, focussing on expanding their families, as are most creatures at this weather-pleasing time. It’s definitely nice to see and feels uplifting.

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A Near Miss?

A near miss on the Korumburra-Warragul Road after last week’s wind and storm. The massive tree appears to have missed the truck although a large branch did break off and land on the tray section.
The tree looks an awkward one to cut out without damaging the truck further. The owner probably got the day off work!

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Corona Induced Spring Clean

Corona Induced Spring Clean

Today I chose to extend my otherwise rushed lunch break to sit on our veranda and soak in the welcoming August sun. It was a picture-perfect day, the first for a long while.

As I turned to face the inviting rays, I closed my eyes and realised how much I missed the comforting warmth. It felt sublime, and in an instant melted my worrying thoughts into a trance-like stillness. I could have stayed put for hours immersed in what seemed like impenetrable peace.

I’ve been quietly struggling of late, attempting in disbelief to decipher what on earth is happening to our precious world. It feels so broken, so sombre and surreal. Covid-19 is all-consuming in every direction I turn, and I’m constantly attuned to the undeniable heaviness spread across the global board.

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Kaylah, Our Local Rising Star

The delightful, talented Kaylah Thomas, currently completing year 12 at Korumburra High School, is proudly one of our own home-grown, rising stars in the music and performing arts arena.

As a young child Kaylah loved to sing, but it wasn’t until her later years in primary school, music transformed into an irresistible passion she knew she wished to pursue.

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