Farms versus nature: how do we decide what to protect?

Delburn Wind Farm Community Benefits Scheme

OSMI is committed to a holistic benefit-sharing model based around sharing the profits of the wind farm fairly and creating a positive long-term legacy in the region. OSMI values the community’s contribution to the development of the Delburn Wind Farm, and is engaging with the community to ensure that the Delburn Wind Farm project is well supported and designed appropriately, and to that benefit sharing is tailored for the local context.

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Orange Bellied Parrots Out of Lockdown

Critically endangered Orange-bellied Parrots have been released into the wild, as part of an innovative trial funded by the Victorian Government to save the species from extinction. 
With less than 50 adult Orange-bellied Parrots remaining in the wild, the four-year Mainland Release Trial aims to increase the size of the birds’ population in conjunction with increasing their survival in the wild.

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Just Hot Air

We have an update to the article in the last issue on the Victorian government’s scrapping of the temporary moratorium on onshore gas drilling. 

A recent report from The Australia Institute argues that ‘analysis of the Government’s own Victorian Gas Project Progress report finds the decision is based on misleading claims that exaggerate benefits, understate costs and ignore alternatives.’ 

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Science Ignored

Scientific advice to governments and communities is one important thing scientists do. There are many scientific voices in the media, so it can be confusing. These voices can also often lobby politicians for vested private interests rather than for broad community benefit. That is why CSIRO is important – it is largely funded by the public for public benefit in Australia. It is regularly scrutinised in open senate estimates committee hearings to test its integrity and it is an independent statutory agency, not a government department controlled by a Minister. 

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