Regional Victoria to Move to Next Stage Towards Covid-Normal

First Steps On The Road Towards COVID Normal

Thanks to the enormous efforts of Victorians in following the rules and driving down case numbers, we will take the first of our cautious and careful steps towards a COVID Normal tonight.

The numbers are falling but we need to keep it that way – ensuring we can continue to open up safely and sustainably – based on the data, the science and expert public health advice.

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Members of the Economic Development Strategy Advisory Group (EDSAG) and the Visitor Economy Strategy Advisory Group (VESAG) Appointed.

South Gippsland Shire Council have announced the newly appointed members of the Economic Development Strategy Advisory Group (EDSAG) and the Visitor Economy Strategy Advisory Group (VESAG). These recently formed groups will support the development and implementation of Council’s Economic Development and Visitor Economy strategies and members have been chosen for their high level of specialist skills, knowledge and expertise.

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Mirboo North Pool Walls Going Up.

Work is progressing well on the Mirboo North pool redevelopment. Whilst the buildings have been progressing well and are looking close to finish stage, the winter saw a big hole, lots of heaps of clay and dirt and now the pool walls are rising from the ground ready to have the pool structure built. Much of the piles of dirt will of course be put back around the pool once it is constructed. Should be an awesome site in a few months time.

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