At the March Council meeting Ms Penny Hamlett submitted written questions and responses are provided as follows.
Question 1 Did feedback from the community consultation contribute to the closure of the Franklin River Reserve and Bass Valley Camping ground?
Response Bass Valley Campground was closed due to a public health order. Franklin River Reserve was closed due to infrastructure and environmental issues, a report was presented at the 24 June 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting.
Question 2 Has the requested community consultation feedback results report been completed and is it available to the public? [Editor comment: this refers to the public consultation period for a Dec 2018 Council resolution on a draft RV (recreational vehicle) and camping strategy.]
Response No further work has been completed and a report has not come back as the RV [Recreational Vehicle] Strategy is not on the current work program.
I note though as previously discussed with you, that Council is about to commence consultation on the development of the new Visitor Economy Strategy. This would be an ideal opportunity for the community to provide input into the role camping might play in the future of tourism in South Gippsland.
Question 3 Is the released 19 December 2018 draft RV [Recreational Vehicle] and Camping Position Paper the only version of this document or has it been replaced by an updated version?
Response The position paper was a draft version. The 2014 Recreational Vehicle (RV) Strategy is the current formal document for the South Gippsland Shire Council
Editor comment: Background. The Dec 2018 Council meeting passed a resolution to put out for public consultation and engage with the community on a draft RV and camping policy. This consultation period went for 6 weeks, unlike those conducted nowadays by the Administrators and officers of less than two weeks. The consultation period ended in late Feb. 2019. The officers have never come back to Council with the report specified in that Dec 2018 Council resolution.
Another example of the administration at Council not bothering to follow through on work directed from the Councillor body through a legitimate Council motion based on the Council plan at the time and part of the normal 4-year review of policies.
The response in question 3 above indicates that Council does not want to write that report even now. They seem to prefer people re-submit their ideas to the newly established tourism committee established recently with most committee members being from outside the Shire.
Maybe the community can get it right next time and put forward the correct feedback.
This is the officer comment in the Dec 2018 executive summary praising the draft policy that went out to the 6 week consultation period.
The Draft Position Paper is a document designed to enable Council and the community to support the growing RV and camping market in South Gippsland. It outlines a position to support the RV and camping industry, and highlights the value of recreational vehicle (RV) schemes and the local commercial industry, and the benefit of providing Council managed free/low cost RV and camping sites to visitors in the region.
The Draft Position Paper is aligned to current industry trends and consumer expectations, and is a pro-active and strategic approach to the growth of the RV and camping industry in South Gippsland.
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