The Merging of Two Worlds …

The covid-19 pandemic is horrendous on so many levels, however the creativity which is transpiring and rising from the ashes is commendably astounding. One of the innovate ideas presently emerging at full speed is Pages For Wisdom.

Chelsea Dynan, from Gembrook, is a psychologist and an experienced palliative care counsellor. Presently on maternity leave after giving birth to a gorgeous, second child, Chelsea has been reflecting and writing about her meaningful work. “I found myself pondering over the fragility of our aged care community and how one person can have such a substantial impact on another,” she claims.

As we all know, aged care facilities have had it devastatingly tough due to the wretched virus. Residents are psychologically suffering, being isolated from family and friends and contained in their homes. Even communal reading material has been confiscated for fear of contagion, while libraries remain closed.

However, Chelsea, herself an avid reader and writer, experienced a light bulb moment and came up with a brilliant, exciting plan, which will greatly benefit all involved!

Budding or seasoned writers are invited to submit stories each month (word count and genres of personal choice), to Chelsea, either through the ‘Pages For Wisdom’ face book page or direct email. The tales will then be collated and, according to preferences, passed onto aged care facilities to enjoy and give unbiased feedback if authors desire.

Not only will residents take pleasure in reading fresh material, they will feel a sense of purpose playing an important role in the assessment process. Writers too will gain confidence by sending their stories in to be enjoyed and critiqued honestly and impartially. A purposeful win-win situation.

However, the magic will be the all-important, special connections organically establishing themselves as two worlds join forces.

The project is in the early stages, but Chelsea says, “The response so far to contribute has been phenomenal.” She hopes Pages For Wisdom will grow and eventually become a valuable venture Australia wide, continuing on once we’re past this global pandemic.


The Lovely Chelsea Dynan.

If you are interested and wish to make contact or submit a story, please visit Pages For Wisdom Face book page or email Chelsea directly via:

Well done, Chelsea. An extremely admirable project.