Where is the second report?-Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Resolution of Council from Dec 2019 by the three administrators was to provide a bi-annual report to Council on the progress towards achieving the outcomes required by the Commission of Inquiry recommendations. 

This newspaper sent a series of questions around this matter to Council for an upcoming article and the Director Performance and Innovation Allison Jones Council responded as follows: “Council has received and adopted a Good Governance Framework on 18 December 2019, that included an action plan and has been implementing that framework and reporting on the associated actions ever since”. 

Earlier we received communication from administrator Eisenbise in which she indicated what Council has achieved thus far and, in this list, she stated that Council has provided two reports for the community on progress towards achieving the outcomes required by the Commission of Inquiry recommendations.

The resolution requires bi-annual reporting, and we could only locate one such report in July 2020 so we asked Council when the second report was released and were met with the following response: “Council will not be providing any further comment”.

A follow up email asked why we were not being answered. We received a response 5 days later when an email arrived saying that the report will be coming to the Feb or March 2021 Council meeting.

So, by March 2021, the administrators will have been in charge for 21 months and at the time they produce their second good governance report they will have informed the community of the progress of the Commission of Inquiry recommendations once during those previoius 21 months.

Ratepayers may or may not be feeling fully informed.