Neither Administrator Brown or Zahra actually made any commentary on what was in the current proposed budget. Both claimed that Council was in a strong financial position, a claim that is not in dispute.
Administrators Comments on Proposed Budget 2020-2021
Neither Administrator Brown or Zahra actually made any commentary on what was in the current proposed budget. Both claimed that Council was in a strong financial position, a claim that is not in dispute.
It has been 12 months since they both approved the budget in 2019 and rather than use this opportunity to inform residents and ratepayers what they proposed in this budget document, they merely criticised individuals who had proposed a flat or reduced rate rise 12 months ago.
Administrator Brown for example said the following: “It would be of no value for this Shire to put a freeze on rates. There are some employers who need assistance but there are others who do not and what this Shire needs to do is to focus on those that need help. So, our response will be a targeted approach that we can afford to adopt for two reasons. We have a strong balance sheet and a targeted approach will enable this Shire to serve best the interests of the ratepayers”.
Administrator Zahra was more direct. He stated that “there was a small group of people in the community (12 months ago) not just calling for no rate increase, but actually a reduction in rates which would have significantly impaired the budget decision of Council because we wouldn’t be in the position we are in today dealing with this crisis (Corona). To actually be as Administrator Brown said, able to use our balance sheet, to be able to use our balance sheet to respond to what is quickly developing into a serious situation.
Our finances are in good repair because we avoided making silly decisions like rate reductions or not having a rate increase”.
Administrator Zahra then went on to say “when you resist the temptation of that type of populism of rate reductions, you’re actually in a position to do things. To help people at times of genuine crisis like this”.
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