Artists impression Mirboo North pool-photo courtesy Council

This year has seen a large number of important projects constructed in Mirboo North. Nothing much else was built or proposed for the area in the previous 10 years when Council policies appeared to focus on the central areas of the Shire to the exclusion of the outlying regions.

These sorts of large projects require a considerable timeframe from proposal to construction due to the lengthy process involved. From proposal at Council and acceptance by Councillors and the officer group through the public consultation processes and finally to shovel ready projects ready to attract grant funding and allocation into the capital works program and budgeting.

Skate Park Mirboo North as seen from beneath a lovely mature Oak tree
Mirboo North Baromi Park plaground

The progressive group on Council proposing better improved transparency and proper community engagement processes implemented using the Oursay platform which allowed thousands of ratepayers to propose and vote on works of their choice rather than the traditional method of officers and or Councillors making up all the proposals and only informing the residents at the end of the process.

So with bringing the public onboard from the start a motion was put and passed at Council in 2015 which agreed to allocate $400,000 to 4 main areas in the Shire that had previously been left out to a large extent. These areas were Mirboo North, Venus Bay, Korumburra, and Foster. 

The Mirboo North projects subsequently approved of in the Dec 2016 moved by Cr Hill were $300,000 for a master plan for the Baromi Park to implement improvements at Baromi Park and a further $100,000 for footpath along north side of Cooper Street. The subsequent projects are currently nearing completion. Skate park, footpath along north side of Cooper Street and associated works in Baromi Park.

In parallel to this development was the development and approval of the Mirboo North Pool.

So all up, lots of great projects in Mirboo North area over the last 12 months and all nearing completion, but important to remember that these works were initiated over the last few years since the last council election by proposals from Councillors.

The 2016 Councillor group were responsible for progressing and approving these projects. Since the Administrators took over from the dismissed Councillors in June 2019, nothing really of note has been suggested or implemented by the Administrators or officer group for Mirboo North going forward. The result in my view, is that when the ratepayers select their next group of Councillors in Nov 2021, that Council will have no forward shovel ready or even drawing board ready projects for this or other areas in the Shire as it appears that they are just treading water and not proposing anything new since they came to office.