The first stages of the approvals process for the Delburn wind farm have met with State and Federal Government approval.

OSMI Pty Ltd’s coincidental bribe

The first stages of the approvals process for the Delburn wind farm have met with State and Federal Government approval. In May, OSMI Pty Ltd lodged their draft application for an exemption under the EPBC process with the Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment. At the time, residents were given the opportunity to comment on OSMI’s submission and many took that opportunity. Two days before the closing date for comments, OSMI lodged new documents however, following objections from residents, OSMI withdrew their application. They subsequently re-lodged with additional documents. Residents again submitted comments to the department. Yesterday, DAWE announced that a decision had been reached “The proposed action is not a controlled action under the EPBC Act”. 

Today, The Victorian Planning Minister declared that an Environmental Effects Statement will not be required subject to some stringent conditions 

Coincidentally (?) OSMI took the opportunity yesterday to circulate their “Community Benefits Plan” as published in this paper.

Those living in the immediate vicinity of the wind farm are largely opposed to the project. It will be interesting to see which other community bodies and individuals put their hands out for a slice of the pie and how much actually goes to nearby communities actually affected. OSMI gets to choose who will sit on their advisory panel and so far, there is very little local representation proposed.

The planning application process is far from over, the wind farm has yet to be approved. It is interesting that OSMI claims that over $1,000,000 has been pledged already on their initial online community survey.  There have been no prospectus or financials available. It seems some people are prepared to take a bet on anything these days, even to the detriment of their neighbours.

A lot more water will flow under the bridge before this project is approved. Meanwhile it is dividing the community and pitting neighbour against neighbour.


Graeme Wilson

Delburn Resident