The outcomes of our recent environmental referrals have been announced.
Delburn Wind Farm Referral Decisions
The outcomes of our recent environmental referrals have been announced.
EPBC Referral
A delegate of the Federal Minister for the Environment has decided that the construction of the proposed Delburn Wind Farm is a not controlled action. Please refer to the website referral number 2020/8688 for further details.
This decision means that the federal government is satisfied that the project will not have a significant effect on any matters of national environmental significance and that no further assessment under the EPBC Act is required.
EES Decision
The Victorian Minister for Planning has made the decision that an EES is not required for the Delburn Wind Farm, subject to certain conditions. Further information can be found at This decision alone does not constitute approval for the project to proceed. It means that an application for planning approval for the project will be assessed under the Planning and Environment Act.
Next Steps
The next step in the planning and approvals process is for the Delburn Wind Farm to lodge an application for a planning permit. Once the application has been lodged, OSMI will formally notify various stakeholders and neighbours of the project. The planning permit approval process will involve a panel hearing, which will allow community members to voice their opinions on the project.
Once OSMI has considered the conditions of the Minister for Planning’s decision further updates will be provided on the likely timing of an application for planning approval being submitted.